Nicholas Aiossa (Brussels, Belgium)
Transparency International EU
Mats Benestad
Policy Director
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Lan Marie Berg
Member of the Norwegian Parliament
The Green Party (MDG)
Richard Bistrong
CEO, Speaker & Author
Front-Line Anti-Bribery LLC: FCPA, Anti-Bribery, Ethics & Compliance Consultant
Erlend Bollman Bjørtvedt
Inger Astrid Elizabeth Coll
Section Leader
The Norwegian Police University College (Politihøyskolen)
Maja de Vibe
SVP Sustainability, Governance and Compliance and CCO
Marianne Djupesland (Oslo, Norway)
Senior public prosecutor
Tobias Drevland Lund
Member of the Norwegian Parliament
The Red Party (R)
David Fuhr (Washington, USA)
Chief, Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) Unit, Fraud Section, Criminal Division
U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
Roar Haugland
Executive Vice President
Scatec ASA
Jostein Hole Kobbeltvedt (Bergen, Norway)
Executive Director
The Rafto Foundation for Human Rights
Daniel Kahn (Washington, USA)
Partner, Ex Chief FCPA U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
Davis Polk, White Collar Defense & Investigations
Håvard Kampen
Senior Public Prosecutor
Kari Elisabeth Kaski
Member of the Norwegian Parliament
The Socialist Left Party (SV)
Morten Kjærum (Lund, Sweden)
Adj. Prof.
The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law
Drago Kos (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
Associate Professor, Ex Chair OECD Working Group on Bribery
University of Ljubljana
Helge Kvamme
CEO/Managing Partner/AKK Chairman of the Board
Kvamme Associates
David Last (Washington, USA)
Partner, Ex Chief FCPA Unit DOJ
Cleary Gottlieb
Pål Lønseth (Oslo, Norway)
Director - Senior Public Prosecutor
Marianne Marthinsen
Chairman of the Board
Transparency International Norway
Anders Meex Hvashovd (Norway)
Chief Compliance Officer
Andreas Motzfeldt Kravik
State Secretary
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Anita Ramasastry (Seattle, USA)
Profefessor of Law
University of Washington School of Law and Special Representative on Combatting Corruption, OSCE
Gerard Ryle
Director and founder
International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ)
Katarina Sætersdal
Senior Adviser
The Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO)
Thina Margrethe Saltvedt
Chief Analyst, Sustainable Finance
Nordea Bank
Guro Slettemark
Secretary General/AKK Board Member
Transparency International Norway
Tim Steele
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
Lise Stensrud
Policy Director, Anti-Corruption
Norwegian Agency for Development (Norad)
Lars Stoltenberg
Senior Public Prosecutor
Liv Monica Stubholt
Partner and lawyer
Advokatfirmaet Selmer AS
Hadia Tajik
Member of the Norwegian Parliament
The Norwegian Labour Party
Thom Townsend (London, UK)
Executive Director
Open Ownership